chkrootkit sample bash script

Hello, below is the sample bash script that I frequently use to manage chkrootkit binary. What is Chkrootkit? Chkrootkit is a linux rootkit scanner Updated: I’m not going to use chrootkit anymore because it seems like the installation has many bugs. Even the official FTP site is broken almost many years. In addition of that,…

How to fix virtual box error Call toNemR0InitVMPart2 failed: VERR_NEM_INIT_FAILED (VERR_NEM_VM_CREATE_FAILED)

When you try to run VirtualBox, you might have encountered the following error for all your virtual machine OSes: Full error message in text: Call to NEMR0InitVMPart2 failed: VERR_NEM_INIT_FAILED (VERR_NEM_VM_CREATE_FAILED). Result Code: E_FAIL (0x80004005) Component: ConsoleWrap Interface: IConsole {872da645-4a9b-1727-bee2-5585105b9eed} Caused: This is a known bug starting from version 6.1.28 Known solutions: Disable Windows hyper-v and restart…


anapp = %anappantitle = %antitleantitlebig = %antitlebigantext = %antextanticker = %antickeranicon = %aniconanbigicon = %anbigiconanpicture = %anpictureanstatusbaricon = %anstatusbariconansubtext = %ansubtextansummarytext = %ansummarytextaninfotext = %aninfotextantextlines = %antextlinesanbutton1text = %anbutton1textanbutton1action = %anbutton1actionanbutton1icon = %anbutton1iconanbutton2text = %anbutton2textanbutton2action= %anbutton2actionanbutton2icon= %anbutton3iconanbutton3text = %anbutton3textanbutton3action= %anbutton3actionanbutton3icon= %anbutton3icon====== array ======antexts () = %antexts()antextsbig () = %antextsbig()animages () = %animages() animagesbig () =…

Regular Expression Cheatsheet

Character classes . – Matches any character except newline\d – Digit (0-9)\D – Not a digit (0-9) – opposite of \d\w, [A-Za-z0-9_], [:word:] – Word character (a-z, A-Z, 0-9 and _)\W, [^A-Za-z0-9], [^:word:] – Not a word character\s – Whitespace (space, tab, newline)\S – Not whitespace (space, tab, newline) – opposite of \s[] – Matches…