When you install Jetbrain Remote Development on your server, you probably wonder how can you remove all the development packages that get installed on your server manually. Here are the files that can be removed completely:
# First, stop the remote development instance (this was based on the source code for the launcher at ~/.cache/JetBrains/RemoteDev/dist/[remote_development_version]/plugins/remote-dev-server/bin/launcher.sh
killall ld-linux-x86-64.so.2
# Keep running the above command multiple times until you receive the following message:
# ld-linux-x86-64.so.2: no process found
# .idea folder was created in the /home as the main project path. Depending on your default project selected when launching JetBrain Remote Development. Mine was at /home. So I remove this:
rm -rf /home/.idea
# Remove JetBrain Remote Development directories
rm -rf /root/.cache/JetBrains
rm -rf /root/.local/share/JetBrains
rm -rf /root/.config/JetBrains
# Remove JetBrain java preferences
rm -rf /root/.java/.userPrefs/jetbrains
# or remove the main folder /root/.java completely if you never use java because this folder was created by Jetbrains
# Clear nohup.out if you really do not need this log. Jetbrains generated nohup output a lot:
cat /dev/null > /root/nohup.out
# It also generated a lot of temp files at /tmp such as .ttf font files
Congratulation, you have now completely removed JetBrain Remote Development!!